1. QuiteLike’s “Refer a Friend” offer will be available from September 2024 until withdrawn by us.

2. Any capitalised terms that are not defined in these terms and conditions (the “Refer A Friend Terms and Conditions”) have the meanings given to them in the QuiteLike terms and conditions available here (the “QuiteLike Terms and Conditions”). The QuiteLike Terms and Conditions are incorporated into these Refer a Friend Terms and Conditions.

3. If a QuiteLike customer with a current subscription (“Referrer”) wishes to refer a friend or family member who does not have a current subscription with QuiteLike (“Friend”) to QuiteLike, that Referrer and that Friend can each receive an $80 credit to their QuiteLike Account (the “Offer”).

4. The first step in the process is for the Referrer to log into their QuiteLike Account and navigate to their “Referrals” tab which contains their unique referral link (the “Referrer Link”). One Referrer Link is allocated to each Referrer, and it can be used by each Friend referred to QuiteLike by that Referrer.

5. This Offer is subject to the Friend:

a. joining QuiteLike by following the sign-up process outlined in the QuiteLike Terms and Conditions using an email address;

b. signing up to an ongoing subscription by placing an Order which includes Subscription Products;

c. having a different Delivery Address to:

i. the Referrer; and

ii. any other Friends using the same Referrer Link;

d. not being an existing QuiteLike customer or a previousQuiteLike customer who has deleted their QuiteLike Account, had their QuiteLike Account deleted by QuiteLikeor subscription cancelled by QuiteLike; and

e. using the Referrer Link at the time of placing the above Order to generate a unique coupon code using the same email address they used to join QuiteLike (“Coupon Code”), (collectively the ”Eligibility Criteria”).

6. Where a Referrer has referred a Friend, the $80 credit relating to that referral will be applied to:

a. the Referrer’s QuiteLike Account:

i. when that Friend satisfies the Eligibility Criteria and the Order made by that Friend has been delivered and is not cancelled or refunded; and

ii. within a timeframe specified by QuiteLike - QuiteLike intends that this timeframe will be within 30 days after the Friend satisfies all applicable Eligibility Criteria and the Friend’s Order has been delivered but in some cases this may be longer and we are under no obligation to notify the Referrer that the timeframe has been increased; and

b. the Friend’s QuiteLike Account when the Friend enters the Coupon Code for their first Order (and, as such, the credit will be applied to that Order).

7. If a Friend does not satisfy the Eligibility Criteria within 30 days of generating the Coupon Code, the Friend will be required to generate a new Coupon Code using the Referrer Link.

8. By participating in this Offer, each Referrer agrees to only share their Referrer Link with Friends who have agreed to receive such a communication from the Referrer.

9. For privacy reasons, QuiteLike will not tell the Referrer which of its Friend met the Eligibility Criteria.

10. This Offer is not available in conjunction with any other offer. The credit will be applied against the purchase of full price Subscription Products and does not apply to, without limitation, any shipping fees or the purchase of Top Up Products. If more than 10 Friends generate a Coupon Code in a period of seven days using the same Referral Link, any credit that the relevant Referrer may receive for that period shall be limited to the first ten of those Friends only.

11. QuiteLike reserves the right to validate the eligibility of a referred Friend.

12. QuiteLike may withdraw or cancel any credit in respect of any or all referrals made in relation to this Offer if, in our reasonable opinion, a Referrer or Friend has used this offer in a manner that is not satisfactory to us or otherwise not in line with the intent of the Offer. This includes, without limitation, any conduct which, in our reasonable opinion, undermines the fair and intended operation of the Offer, such as sharing the Referrer Link on a public forum or using this Offer in any way that is fraudulent or in breach of the Refer a Friend Terms and Conditions or the QuiteLike Terms and Conditions.

13. We reserve the right to amend the Refer A Friend Terms and Conditions in any way (including, without limitation, removing the Offer) at any time without prior or subsequent notice being provided to anyone (including, without limitation, any Referrer or Friend) without liability to any person, and each Referrer and Friend acknowledge and agree to this.